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Early Career Teachers and Country Area Teachers

Support Project CLTASA 

Application Form (Application ended)


Attention all early career (5 years or less) and country area teachers:


Thanks to those who responded to our earlier survey. Registration for the CLTASA Early Career and Country Area Teachers Support Project are now open for those who wish to be involved.

This project will establish a supporting panel of mentors who will be teachers with at least 10 years teaching experience at different levels. The project will include PD discussion seminars, one-to-one mentor support and school visits. The following aspects will be covered by the project:

  • Teaching strategies;

  • Behaviour management;

  • Teaching resources;

  • Differentiation strategies;

  • Encouragement strategies for those students who have lost interest in learning;

  • Assessments and reporting;

  • Relationships between students and teacher, and teacher and parents.


We will also provide individual support based on personal / individual situation/ request.


Please note: 

  • There are 7 places available for 2021.

  • You do not have to be a member of CLTASA to be eligible for support.

  • Part time teachers who have been teaching up to 7 years are also eligible for support.

  • This project supports teachers who are EITHER early career teachers OR country teachers OR both.

Mentor Teachers Application Form (Application ended)


We are seeking Chinese teachers with substantial teaching experience or relevant expertise:


Registration for mentors in the CLTASA Early Career and Country Area Teachers Support Project are now open.

This project aims to establish a panel of mentors who are willing to support early career and country area teachers of Chinese. We expect that mentor teachers will be asked to participate in 2 PD discussion seminars with a probable focus on differentiation and behaviour management in term 2 and 3. The role of mentor teachers will also include one-to-one support for individual teachers including the sharing of teaching strategies and resources, providing the opportunity for a mentee teacher to take part in a school classroom observation and possibly one or two other support activities. We ask you to keep notes or write a diary of the work you do with mentees and the feedback you get from them as these records are needed as part of the report that the CLTASA is required to provide at the end of the year to SA Educators who have provided the funding for this project. It is expected that a PD certificate for 10 hours and a $200 honorarium will be given to mentors at the end of this year.


A significant number of the teachers requesting support (but not all) are primary teachers and the areas of need they most commonly mention are curriculum planning, differentiation (dealing with mixed abilities) and behaviour management.  Some teachers in both primary and secondary setting have mentioned strategies to deal with student motivation.

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