2022 SA
Chinese Language Awards Ceremony
Stay true to our original aspirations and create brilliance together.

Trophies and medals for the 2022 Awards Ceremony
(Photography: Krystal Fang方逸安)
2022年12月2日是值得南澳州所有中文教师、中文学生和家长以及相关教育者关注的日子。就在这一天,南澳州中文教师协会(CLTASA)在西蒙学校(Semour College)举办了一年一度的二零二二年南澳州中小学中文颁奖典礼,并且迎来了600多位学生、家长、老师、学校领导和各界来宾。
December 2, 2022, is a date that deserves the attention of all Chinese teachers, students of Chinese and their parents and educators in South Australia. On this day, the Chinese Language Teachers Association of South Australia (CLTASA) held the annual 2022 South Australia Chinese Awards Ceremony at Seymour College and welcomed more than 600 students, parents, teachers, school leaders and guests from South Australia.

2022-2023 CLTASA Committee
(Photography: Krystal Fang方逸安)
The CLTASA has organised the Awards Ceremony for more than two decades to promote learning the Chinese language and culture in South Australia. During the 2022 Awards Ceremony, 84 students from 43 schools were awarded the Chinese Language Awards for their excellent knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for the Chinese language and culture. 99 students from SA, who participated in the 2022 SA Chinese Language Video Competition, also received awards at the Ceremony. In total, 183 students received certificates and prizes or medals and trophies.

本次颁奖典礼由西蒙学校刘真伊老师(Jenny Liu)和阿德莱德大学学生Matt Casey共同主持。
Jenny Liu, a teacher of Chinese at Seymour College, and Matt Casey, a student from the University of Adelaide, were our MCs.
Five students from the following schools acknowledged the land in the Chinese language at commence of the Ceremony.
Abiel Wong, St Peter's College Junior School 圣彼得学院小学
Aarav Seshadri, Westminster School Junior School 威斯敏斯特小学
Aksh Hu, Christian Brothers College 基督兄弟学校
Remi Johnson-Saison, Highgate School
Angela Gaganis, Seymour College 西蒙学校

(Photography: Festival City Photography)
西蒙学校副校长Natalie Paelchen为大会致开幕词;主持人Matt Casey也与观众分享了自己学习中文的经历。立法会反对党副领袖、南澳多元文化影子部长、旅游业、服务业和社区发展影子部长李菁璇议员(the Honourable Jing Lee, MLC)在颁奖典礼主题演讲中,与观众分享了自己的经历、说明语言技能对其个人事业的助力,强调了学习语言的重要性,号召更多的人关注中文教育事业。
Natalie Paelchen, Deputy Principal of Seymour College, delivered an opening speech for the Ceremony; Matt Casey, one of the MCs, also shared his experience of learning Chinese with the audience. As the keynote speaker, the Honourable Jing Lee, MLC, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, Shadow Minister for Multicultural South Australia, Shadow Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, and Shadow Minster for Communities, shared her experience with the audience and the benefits of language skills to her career and reinforced the importance of Chinese education.

It is our honour and pleasure to invite the following guests to present awards to all winners demonstrating the support from SA schools and communities.
李菁璇议员, 立法会反对党副领袖,南澳多元文化影子部长、旅游业、服务业和社区发展影子部长 The Honourable Jing Lee, MLC. Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, Shadow Minister for Multicultural South Australia, Shadow Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, and Shadow Minster for Communities.
西蒙学校副校长 Natalie Paelchen, Deputy Principal, Seymour College
西蒙学校小学代理校长 Rebecca Stevens, Acting Head of Junior School, Seymour College
圣彼得学院小学校长 Jasmine Taylor, Head of Junior School, St Peter's College
圣彼得学院小学副校长 Ben Storer, Deputy Head of Junior School, St Peter's College
南澳华人医学协会会长 Lilian Kow教授, A/Professor Lilian Kow, President of Australian Chinese Medical Association, SA
澳中文化交流促进会黄崇宠会长 Mr. John Huang, President of Australia-China Cultural Promotion Association
C&J会计师事务所 Mr. Jason Huang, C&J Accountants & Advisors
同时,普特尼文法学校副校长 Deb Dalwood 与阿尔弗雷德王子中学语言主管 Emily Beattie 也出席了当晚典礼。
Deb Dalwood, Deputy Principal of Pulteney Grammar School and Emily Beattie, Head of Languages at Prince Alfred College, also attended the Ceremony.

C&J会计师事务所 Jason Huang先生
Mr. Jason Huang
(Photography:Krystal Fang方逸安)

Mr. John Huang
(Photography:Krystal Fang方逸安)

南澳华人医学协会会长 Lilian Kow教授
A/Professor Lilian Kow
(Photography:Shiyi Li李诗怡老师)

圣彼得学院小学校长Jasmine Taylor 与副校长Ben Storer
Jasmine Taylor & Ben Storer
(Photography:Krystal Fang方逸安

西蒙学校副校长Natalie Paelchen 和小学代理校长Rebecca Stevens
Natalie Paelchen &Rebecca Stevens
(Photography:Shiyi Li李诗怡老师)

李菁璇议员, 立法会反对党副领袖,南澳多元文化影子部长、
The Honourable Jing Lee, MLC. Deputy
Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council,
Shadow Minister for Multicultural South Australia,
Shadow Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, and
Shadow Minster for Communities.
(Photography: Festival City Photography)
would like to thank the following teachers for inviting our guests for the Award Ceremony.
邓雯老师(Shelby Baker)
本文老师(Wen Ben)
刘芳老师(Fang Liu)
刘真伊老师(Jenny Liu)
裘芳芳老师(Fangfang Qiu)
郑耀君老师(Greg Zheng)
65 students from 7 schools showcased their stunning performances at the Awards Ceremony. We would like to thank all teachers for organising these wonderful performances.
胡占航老师 Andy Hu
普特尼文法学校刘芳老师 Pulteney Grammar School, Fang Liu
普林顿国际学校 Erik Ma老师和 Poh Keng Low老师 Plympton International College, Erik Ma and Poh Keng Low
西蒙学校李诗怡老师 Seymour College, Shiyi Li
圣马丁路德学校陈建军老师 St Martins Lutheran College, Lester Chen
圣彼得学院裘芳芳老师 St Peter's College, Fangfang Qiu
圣彼得学院小学邓雯老师 St Peter's College Junior School, Shelby Baker
威斯敏斯特小学乐志晗老师 Westminster School Junior School, Grace Le
我们也借此机会感谢来自圣彼得学院小学的Sean Zhang同学为颁奖典礼带来的优美钢琴伴奏。
We would like to thank Sean Zhang from St Peter's College Junior School, who played the piano during the Awards Ceremony.
另外,我们也有幸欣赏到Sure Dance舞蹈学校的学员为大家表演的中国民族舞蹈《抬龙王》,尽显中国民族舞的风韵。
In addition, we also enjoyed the Chinese folk dance "Kind of Dragon" performed by Sure Dance School, which brought the audience a unique experience of Chinese folk dance.

Pulteney Grammar School & Seympour College: The Sound of Snowfall
(Photography: Festival City Photography)

The Awards Ceremony also provides an opportunity for students to showcase their passion and talent to audiences across the state. One of the objectives of the CLTASA is to support and recognise the achievements of teachers and Chinese language students who endeavour to learn and promote the Chinese language and culture.We look forward to seeing more teachers and students show their talent at our association events in the future.
The great success of the Awards Ceremony is the best result of the strong support from the 2022-2023 CLTASA's sponsors.
Firstly, we would like to sincerely thank two old friends for their generous and ongoing support: CBT Holidays and Australian Chinese Medical Association SA (ACMA).
In 2022, CBT Holidays sponsored both the Chinese Language Teachers State Conference and the Awards Ceremony.
We also want to acknowledge that the ACMA (SA) has sponsored the CLTASA for 24 years since 1999, supporting the development of Chinese language education in South Australia.
We also sincerely thank all our new sponsors for their generous sponsorship of the 2022 Awards Ceremony.
南澳华人医学协会 Australian Chinese Medical Association SA (ACMA)
澳中文化交流促进会 Australia-China Cultural Promotion Association
C&J会计师事务所 C&J Accountants & Advisors
杰罗莎酒庄 Jarressa Estate
Kersbrook Cherry Farm
Schubert Estate

eyeSmile Dental & Optical
芬莱森律师行 Finlaysons Lawyers
立得移民教育 Leaders Education and Migration
Lenz Eyewear
稻香海鲜酒家 Star House Chinese Restaurant
澳新旅游 CBT Holidays

澳新文报 Australia New Culture Newspaper(ANCN)
时代传媒 I Age Media
Sure Dance舞蹈学校 Sure Dance School
南澳民乐艺术学校 School of Chinese Music and Arts
家乐中文 Jiale Zhongwen

2022-2023届南澳州中文协会理事会在2022年9月23日正式启动。随之,我们所面临的最大挑战就是失去了部分暨定赞助商的资助,并且在十月底因为场地费用问题临时更换场地。面对这些难题,理事会成员没有气馁,我们的营销团队:本文老师、邓雯老师、裘芳芳老师和Mani White老师在过去的两个月里迅速联系并获得新的赞助商的支持,确保协会颁奖典礼所需的资金支持到位。我们借此机会,真诚地向营销团队的老师们说一声:你们辛苦了!
The 2022-2023 CLTASA Committee officially started working for the CLTASA on September 23, 2022. The most significant challenge we faced was losing some sponsorship connected with the association's former committees. We also had to change the venue at the end of October because of the extra charge for the venue. None of the Committee members ever gave up when we were facing these challenges. Our Marketing Team: Wen Ben, Shelby Baker, Fangfang Qiu and Mani White quickly established a relationship between the association and new sponsors in the past two months to ensure financial support for the Awards Ceremony. We sincerely thank our teachers in the Marketing Team!
I want to thank Fang Liu, the Vice-president of CLTASA, for organising delicious and beautiful food for all. Fang spent massive time communicating with the catering company in her busy schedule. We have received positive feedback on the catering from our audience attending the ceremony. At the same time, Fang organised the medals and trophies for our students. Thank you, Fang!

(Photography: Festival City Photography)
此外,作为南澳州中文教师协会理事会财务主管,乐志晗老师为参加典礼的学生们准备了可爱的礼品和礼物卡等。Laura Kildea老师,董雯雯老师和Siew Ng老师辛苦的幕后工作也是确保典礼顺利进行的重要因素之一。
Our Thanks also go to Grace Le, Treasurer of CLTASA, for packing and preparing lovely gifts for performing groups and gift cards for all winners. At last, I want to thank Laura Kildea, Wenwen Dong, and Siew Ng for their work behind the scenes, which was also one of the important factors in ensuring the smooth progress of the ceremony.

Grace Le presented gifts to guests during Lucky Draw.
(Photography: Festival City Photography)
在10月末,西蒙学校(Seymour College)校长Vanessa Browning特批将已经出租出去的学校体育馆收回,免费提供给中文教师协会用于本届颁奖典礼,支持我们举办活动,解决了协会不得不临时换场地的燃眉之急。我们谨代表南澳州中文教师协会诚挚地对西蒙学校的慷慨支持表示感谢!
In late October, Vanessa Browning, Principal of Seymour College, specially approved taking back the leased school Sports Center to support the CLTASA to hold the Ceremony. On behalf of the CLTASA, we want to express our sincere gratitude to Seymour College for its generous support!
In addition, Andy Hu and Seymour Chinese teachers: Jin You and Shiyi Li supported the committee to prepare for the Ceremony. International students and Chinese students from Years 8 to Year 11 at Seymour College (Janice, Laurel, Mia, Linda, Alice, Holly, Alina, Cindy and Dalia) also attended the Ceremony to help set up and clean up the venue.

特别感谢西蒙校友方逸安(Krystal Fang)义务为颁奖典礼摄影、为观众提供免费照片。如有需要,请通过以下方式联系。
Special thanks to Krystal Fang, one of the Seymour Old Collegians, who voluntarily took photos for the Awards Ceremony and provided free images for the audience. Please contact Krystal Fang via the following contacts if there is a need.
instagram: krystalfang_
小红书: KFang
邮箱 (email for enquiry): krystalf1018@gmail.com
Festival City Photography摄影师负责为典礼拍摄照片,学生、老师、家长和观众可以通过登录网站https://festivalphoto.com.au/2022-events,然后选择 “SA CHINESE LANGUAGE AWARDS CEREMONY”来浏览购买照片。(有需要登录码的老师、家长和嘉宾,请通过邮件来联系我们 info@cltasa.org)
Festival City Photography photographers provided photography services for the ceremony. Please login to the following website https://festivalphoto.com.au/2022-events and select "SA CHINESE LANGUAGE AWARDS CEREMONY" to purchase photos. Please email info@cltasa.org to request the code.
All Chinese teachers' support of the CLTASA means a lot to us. We want to thank the 55 Chinese teachers for their strong support to the students and the CLTASA in 2022.

Every effort of the 2022-2023 CLTASA Committee members was the main reason for the successful Awards Ceremony. Every child's smile was a great reward for the effort made by the Committee members.

2022-2023 CLTASA Committee
(Photography: Krystal Fang方逸安)
撰稿和版面设计(Written & Design)
魏明霞(Mingxia Wei)
南澳中文教师协会会长 (President of CLTASA)
摄影 Photography
方逸安(Kyrstal Fang)
Fetival City Photography

It took us two months to prepare and complete the SA Chinese Awards Ceremony, and what we experienced during the last two months has taught us that for further development, CLTASA should not count on the alms from others. Instead, the future of CLTASA lies in the efforts and sacrifices of the Chinese teaching community. To be recognised as an important part of the multicultural community of Australia and to be recognised by our school communities, we Chinese teachers must first work hard for higher ethical and professional attainments.
2022-2023 CLTASA Committee looks forward to the joining of more teachers with new ideas and new visions. We aspire to work together to create a glorious future as we advance in tune to the times and cling to our original dreams