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2023 Term 1 OZChin Quiz Bowl
Year 10-12 Chinese First Language


In 2023, the Chinese Language Teachers Association of South Australia Inc. (CLTASA) is proud to announce its pioneering initiative of sponsoring and organizing the inaugural South Australian Middle Schools OZCHI Quiz Bowl, a competition that focuses on Chinese knowledge and culture. The OZCHI Quiz Bowl will be held annually, starting this year, with one competition dedicated to Chinese First Language students in Years 10-12 and another for Chinese Second Language and Background Language (heritage) students in Years 8-12.

在2023年,南澳州中文教师协会(CLTASA)创新举措之一就是出资组织首届南澳州中学生OZCHI Quiz Bowl中文知识和文化竞赛。从今年开始,OZCHI Quiz Bowl每年将举办两次:一次面向10-12年级的中文第一语言学生,另一次面向8-12年级的中文第二语言和背景语言学生。



Event Date and Location



The OZChin Quiz Bowl held on Friday, March 16th at St Peter's College was specifically designed for Chinese First Language students in grades 10-12. A total of 69 Chinese students from six schools participated in this competition.



Event Organizer



The competition was organized by Fangfang Qiu, a Chinese teacher at St Peter's College. Fangfang Qiu not only coordinated with her school to provide the venue for the competition but also developed engaging competition activities based on student interests. From delicious dinner box to snacks that students love, from challenging and interesting quiz questions to fun snack-pack prizes, all aspects were carefully planned by Fangfang Qiu after a month of deliberation and preparation. Fangfang Qiu emphasized the integration of the quiz night with students' needs, combining competition and social interaction. She broke the tradition of grouping students by school, providing an opportunity for students from different schools to communicate and creating a competitive atmosphere. All the students had an enjoyable knowledge competition evening. We, as members of the board, express our sincerest gratitude to Fangfang Qiu for her selfless dedication. We also greatly appreciate the assistance of Wenwen Dong in helping Fangfang Qiu host this competition.

此次竞赛是由圣彼得学校(St Peter's College)的中文教师裘芳芳老师负责,裘芳芳老师不仅与她的学校协商为此次竞赛提供场地,还制定了学生感兴趣的竞赛活动。从美味的晚餐盒到学生喜爱的零食,从难易结合的竞赛题目到有趣的零食奖品的设定,都是裘芳芳老师在经过一个月的反复斟酌、计划后确定的。裘芳芳老师力主将知识竞赛之夜与学生的需要结合,将竞赛与社交进行融合,打破了传统的按学校分组的惯例,既让几所学校的学生有机会进行交流,又为学生提供了竞赛的氛围。让所有的学生共度了一个愉快的知识竞赛之夜。我们全体理事会成员对裘芳芳老师的无私付出表示最诚挚的谢意。同时,也非常感谢董雯雯老师协助裘芳芳老师主持本次竞赛。


Thanks to the participating schools and teachers



The success of every event depends on the participation of teachers and students, as well as the support from various schools. We sincerely thank the following teachers and schools for their continuous support and collaboration:.



  • Carol Li, Glenunga International High School

  • Shiyi Li, Seymour College

  • Xiaomei Li, Norwood International High School

  • Lih Ling Wong, Pembroke School

  • Fang Liu, Robbin Wang, Pulteney Grammar School

  • Fangfang Qiu, St Peter's College

  • Jin You, Seymour College


Special thanks to the two judges



During the event, Xiaomei Li from Norwood International High School and Lih Ling Wong from Pembroke School tirelessly took on the role of judges, assisting Fangfang Qiu and Wenwen Dong in organizing the student quiz competition. Your hard work is greatly appreciated!

在活动中,Norwood International High School Xiaomei Li老师与Pembroke School Lih Ling Wong老师不辞辛苦地承担了评委的工作,全程在帮助裘芳芳老师和董雯雯老师组织学生竞答。你们辛苦了!


Thanks to the board members for their support



Lastly, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the board members who were present to assist Qiu Fangfang Qiu:



  • Wen Deng (Shelby Baker)邓雯老师

  • Wenwen Dong董雯雯老师

  • Laura Kildea老师

  • Fang Liu刘芳老师

  • Zhenyi Liu (Jenny)刘真伊老师

  • Yuhan Liu刘宇涵老师

Mingxia Wei


President of CLTASA



The Chinese Language Teachers Association of South Australia Inc. (CLTASA) 


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