2022 南澳大利亚州中文语言视频比赛
2022 South Australia Chinese Language Video Competition
Please click here to download the Flyer
The Chinese Language Teachers Association of South Australia (CLTASA) holds an annual video competition every year, aiming to provide language students with an opportunity to showcase their language and culture learning journey. Students are also encouraged to integrate language with technology, art and other skills to develop a solid cross-disciplinary approach to learning.
Entrants must be students who learn Chinese language in South Australian Public, Independent or Catholic schools. Two categories will be considered separately, Chinese Second Language Learner and Background Language Learner.
Students can enter the competition as an individual or as a group. (NO mixture of Category One and Two if it is group work).
There is no limitation on how many students can be in a group.
Category One
Chinese Second Language Learner
(Who is identified as Chinese Second Language Learners without a cultural or linguistic background in Chinese)
Category Two
Background Language Learner
(Who is identified as Chinese Second Language Learners but with a cultural or linguistic background in Chinese)
Junior Primary Group: Reception to Year 2
Upper Primary Group: Year 3 to Year 6
Middle Group: Year 7 to Year 9
Senior Group: Year 10 to Year 12
Trophies to stay at the top schools of each group for the entire year.
Primary groups
$30 Gift Card and medal for 1st Place
$20 Gift Card and medal for 2nd Place
$10 Gift Card and medal for 3rd Place
Secondary groups
$100 Gift Card and medal for 1st Place
$50 Gift Card and medal for 2nd Place
$20 Gift Card and medal for 3rd Place
Each school can submit a maximum of two entries for each Competition Category in each group.
The video must be NO LONGER THAN 2 MINUTES. Entries which exceed the time limit will not be considered as winning entries for the competition.
2022 Video Competition Participation Consent form
Please download the 2022 Video Competition Participation Consent form (fillable PDF file)
School teachers are responsible for collecting the photo consent for each student before nominating students online.
Teachers can use any link from Google Drive, OneDrive, private YouTube link or other online platforms as long as the teacher can share the link with the CLTASA committee for us to view. (If the Committee has download problems, we can contact teachers again.)
Registration starts Wednesday 9am 28th September 2022 (Week 10 Term 3)
Registration closes at 5:00 p.m. Friday, 11th November 2022 (Week 4 Term 4).
NO LATE SUBMISSION will be accepted.
Please register below for your students.
For more information, please email info@cltasa.org
To ensure the Video Competition result is fair and equitable, we sincerely invite our Chinese teachers to become part of the competition panel. We need our fellow teachers' support and help to form the Video Competition Panel team. The panel team will be announced in Week 4.
As shown below, we need four judges for each group (and one committee member will be the Communication Member to help communicate between groups or teachers).
If you want to support our association and committee, please click the following link to register your information.
We need your support and would love to see you in our judging panel team.