To Kathy Purvis
On September 19, 2022, the CLTASA Committee nominated Kathy Purvis for Educators SA to recognize her exceptional contributions to the association over the past decade. As a result, Kathy Purvis was honored with two awards at the 2022 World Teachers' Day Gala hosted by Educators SA on October 28, 2022.
2022年9月19日,由于Kathy Purvis在中文教师协会理事会的贡献,中文教师协会理事会起草并向Educators SA提名Kathy Purvis两个奖项。在2022年10月28日,由Educators SA主办的World Teachers' Day 2022颁奖典礼上,Kathy Purvis荣获得以下奖项。
Chinese Language Teachers' Association of SA: Outstanding Service Award
World Education Forum Awards: Outstanding Contribution to Intercultural and Global Understanding Award 2022 (The latter award comes with a prize of $2,000 from the World Education Forum.)
According to the "25th Anniversary Book of the Australian Chinese Teachers Association", Kathy Purvis joined the CLTASA Committee in 2008, and served as the joint president for two consecutive terms from 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. She dedicated 14 years to the CLTASA before tendering her resignation as a member of the Committee on October 21, 2022.
根据《澳大利亚中文教师联会25周年纪念册》,Kathy Purvis在2008年加入中文教师协会理事会,并在2017-2019年与靳丽华老师共同担任两届联席中文教师协会会长。Kathy Purvis在过去的14年里一直在为中文教师协会无私奉献。
Kathy Purvis resigned from her position as a member of the Chinese Teachers Association of South Australia on October 21, 2022. She passed away on May 21, 2023.
Kathy Purvis在2022年10月21日辞去中文教师协会理事会成员职务,于2023年5月21日去世。
Kathy Purvis was a remarkable member of our Chinese Language Teachers Association, who made significant contributions to the field of education through her selfless dedication and unwavering teaching spirit. Her departure is a tremendous loss to the entire Chinese education community, and we will forever cherish her wisdom and selfless contributions to education.
Kathy Purvis是我们中文教师协会一位杰出的成员,在教育领域通过无私奉献和坚定的教学精神做出了重大贡献。她的离去对整个中文教育界来说是一次巨大的损失,我们将永远珍视她的智慧和对教育的无私贡献。