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2023 bi-annual Volunteer Service Awards Ceremony


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Dear fellow teachers and the CLTASA members:


我谨代表南澳州中文教师协会理事会,在此向乐志晗老师(威斯敏斯特学校)与裘芳芳老师(圣彼得学校)致以衷心的祝贺。她们于2023年5月18日星期四在阿德莱德Jackson Square举行的2023年度志愿者服务颁奖典礼上,荣幸地接受了由人力服务部部长Nat Cook亲自颁发的南澳州教师志愿者服务奖证书。

On behalf of the CLTASA Committee, I would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Zhihan Le (Grace) from Westminster School and Miss Fangfang Qiu from St. Peter's College. They were honored to receive the Volunteer Service Appreciation Certificate at the 2023 bi-annual Volunteer Service Awards Ceremony held at Jackson Square, Adelaide on Thursday, 18th May 2023. The certificate was presented by Minister Nat Cook from the Department of Human Services.

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From left to right: Zhihan Le (Grade) and Fangfang Qiu


Nomination Requirements for the 2023 Volunteers' Ceremony SA


为了表彰各个协会志愿者的贡献与付出,Educators SA每两年举办一次志愿者表彰典礼。2023年4月4日,Educators SA宣布了2023年度志愿者典礼的提名要求:

To recognize the valuable work of volunteers from each association, Educators SA holds a volunteer recognition ceremony every second year. On April 4, 2023, Educators SA announced the nomination requirements for the 2023 Volunteers' Ceremony:


1) 被提名者必须是现任协会理事会或董事会成员。

The nominees must be current members of the management committee or board.

2) 被提名者必须作为委员会或董事会成员提供了5+、10+、20+或30+年的义务服务。

The nominees must have provided 5+, 10+, 20+, or 30+ years of service as a committee or board member.

3) 每位被提名者只能根据其服务年限的最高累计被提名为一个类别。

Each nominee can only be nominated for one category, based on the highest aggregate of their service.


There is no number limit, and all current committee members who have served for 5+ years are eligible for nomination.



Additionally, each association can nominate one Outstanding First-year Committee/board Member if they have someone who has served for one year and has made exceptional contributions.


Nomination list for the Current CLTASA Committee Members



Therefore, based on the above criteria, the 2022-2023 CLTASA Committee nominated the following current committee members:



5+ years of Service at the CLTASA Committee

  • 南澳州中文教师协会秘书Laura Kildea

    Laura Kildea, Secretary of the 2022-2023 CLTASA Committee

  • 南澳州中文教师协会财会乐志晗老师

    Zhihan Le (Grace), Treasurer of the 2022-2023 CLTASA Committee

  • 南澳州中文教师协会副会长刘芳老师

    Fang Liu, Vice President of the 2022-2023 CLTASA Committee



Outstanding First Year Committee Member

  • 南澳州中文教师协会理事会成员裘芳芳老师

       Fangfang Qiu, Marketing Officer of the 2022-2023 CLTASA Committee

由于奖项只颁发给出席典礼的人,Laura Kildea老师和刘芳老师因事未能参加典礼而退出提名。乐志晗老师和裘芳芳老师在南澳州中文教师协会会长魏明霞的陪同下参加了典礼,共同庆祝并向115位教育者致敬,这115位教育者自愿为教育专业协会贡献。这些教育者共计贡献了1097年的义务服务。有关志愿者服务典礼的更多信息,请访问Educators SA网站:
As the awards for years of service were presented only to those attending the ceremony, Laura Kildea and Fang Liu had to withdraw from the nomination due to their absence at the ceremony. However, Zhihan Le (Grace) and Fangfang Qiu attended the ceremony accompanied by Mingxia Wei, the President of CLTASA, to join in the celebration and honor the 115 educators who volunteer their time to lead educator professional associations. These educators have collectively contributed over 1097 volunteer years. For more information about the Volunteers' Service Ceremony, please visit the Educators SA website at:



Testimonial from Two Award-winning Teachers


The remarks made by the two teachers after the ceremony once again reinforced our sense of honor and responsibility as members of the committee.

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人力服务部部长Nat Cook为裘芳芳老师颁发证书
Minister for Human Services, Nat Cook, presented the the Volunteer Service Appreciation Certificate to Fangfang Qiu.


First and foremost, I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the association's nomination. Attending tonight's event has been an incredible opportunity for us, and we were honored to be the only ones with flowers at the venue, which undoubtedly garnered admiration from others. We wholeheartedly thank the Committee for their kind gesture.Personally, I have never been one to prioritize formalities or ceremonies. However, this experience has made me realize the importance of embracing such occasions. I have come to understand that there is value in recognizing and appreciating significant moments, and I intend to learn from our esteemed Committee members in this regard.


Furthermore, among the attendees, we were privileged to witness individuals who have dedicated themselves for 5+, 10+, 20+ years, and the longest-serving member who has been committed for an incredible 45 years. Their long-term dedication is truly admirable and sets an example for all of us. These individuals are shining examples of perseverance, as they consistently and wholeheartedly fulfill their duties, relying on the accumulation of days and months, and selflessly dedicating themselves to their work.



I firmly believe that many members of our current committee has displayed exceptional collaboration, particularly under the guidance of our leader. Working harmoniously towards a shared goal and embracing a unified vision, we have fostered an outstanding culture within the association. Today's honor is not only individual but also collective, as we proudly represent the CLTASA. With the collective efforts of all, I hope that more committee members will be nominated next year. Furthermore, I look forward to seeing all committee members at the event, joining together to celebrate the accomplishments of the deserving recipients in the future."

--By Fangfang Qiu

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人力服务部部长Nat Coo乐志晗k为老师颁发证书
Minister for Human Services, Nat Cook, presented the the Volunteer Service Appreciation Certificate to Zhihan Le.



Thank you for the nomination from the association, and I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the Committee for preparing the flowers and personally supporting us at the event. It's hard to believe that I have been a part of the association for five years now. During this not-too-long, not-too-short period, I have learned a lot from my colleagues. The concept of 'leading by example' has been the most valuable lesson for me. It means taking the initiative in fulfilling my responsibilities and paying attention to every little detail without considering personal gains or losses."

--By Zhihan Le (Grace)

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Outstanding First Year Committee Member


We understand that recognizing the contributions of all committee volunteers is of utmost importance as members of the association. The association's committee will continue to uphold the fine tradition, acknowledging all committee members who selflessly contribute to the association, while also expressing gratitude to all the teachers who support the committee and the association. Once again, we warmly congratulate Ms. Zhihan Le (Grace) and Ms. Fangfang Qiu on receiving the Volunteers' Service Certificate of Appreciation. May we always remember our original aspirations and create brilliance together!


Mingxia Wei 


President of CLTASA


排版和文字|魏明霞Mingxia Wei

图片Photos|Eucators SA

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The Chinese Language Teachers Association of South Australia Inc. (CLTASA) 


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